Logitech’s design philosophy here with the Logitech G560 focuses on making these hardware elements disappear, and it succeeds. The speakers and subwoofer are all plastic with a textured, deep black finish. There are no lighting elements on the subwoofer unit, but the speakers are equipped with four RGB LEDs and strip LEDs within hollowed-out chambers.

There are different sets of lights that can be illuminated differently. But, unfortunately, even after so many exciting features, the Logitech G560 has some annoying issues, like not turning on is one of them. But, with this error, you do not have to worry as we have some fixes to this error that will help you resolve the problem. So, if you are also not turning on the issue with the Logitech G560, apply the fixes listed below.

Also Read

Fix: Logitech G560 Speaker Not Playing Sound

How To Fix Logitech G560 Not Turning On

So, here are the needy fixes that will help you fix the Logitech G560 not turning on issue. Therefore, if you are facing this problem, don’t forget to check out all the fixes listed below, one after another, until you find the perfect fixes for your device. So, let’s get started now.

Fix 1: Reboot Your Device

You may experience errors with your headphones when trying to fix them for various reasons. It is sometimes possible, however, to fix extensive hardware problems by restarting. It is still recommended that you try this out and see if your Logitech G560 starts working properly.

Fix 2: Change the Adapter:

When your Logitech G560 is not turned on, you will need to use the adapter that you are using to supply power. Therefore, if there is any chance it has an issue, you should replace it. It is a good idea to test your adapter with an adapter that works well on a friend’s device to determine if there are any faults. It’s time to replace your Logitech G560 adapter if the adapter turns on your Logitech device.

Fix 3: Check For Damage

If the speaker is damaged from excessive use, it might not work because it has been damaged. There are many cases in which a damaged power button prevents the speaker from turning on. Also, the battery slot may be faulty. 

If you have a compressed air gun, you can also use it to clean the speaker. Your speaker can be cleaned by following these steps:

  • Ensure the speaker is turned off and the batteries removed before continuing.
  • Using a gentle shake, remove the loose dirt from your speaker by hanging it upside down. The process might be more effective outdoors since it may be untidy.
  • The dirt can be removed with a cloth using compressed air inside the speaker.
  • Before reinstalling the keycaps, wipe them with a wet cloth and dry them completely.
  • It should not be turned on for at least 2-3 hours.

Fix 4: Check Battery Placement

You may need to install new batteries if the batteries are not working. The batteries may work in some cases, but the Logitech G560 will not turn on. This is the result of misplacing the batteries.

To make the Logitech G560 work, you must place the batteries correctly. After placing the batteries correctly, move on to the next step if the Logitech G560 still doesn’t work. In addition, if you have not yet replaced your batteries within the past 12 months, we recommend doing so. 

Fix 5: Reboot your Computer

Most of the time, this works as a fix. It may be helpful to reboot your computer to see if the problem has been resolved. It is common for Logitech speakers to stop working for some unknown reason and have to be rebooted to work again.

Fix 6: Change the USB Port

If the speaker isn’t working, try changing the USB port. You could have a problem with the USB port that you’re using being damaged, which would explain why the Logitech G560 is not working.

Connecting the G560 to another computer may be possible if your PC/Laptop isn’t detecting the Logitech G560 on any USB ports. If the speaker does not work on any PC, it needs to be repaired.

Fix 7: Clean the Speaker Port:

There is a possibility that the power port on your speaker has become faulty over time. A small amount of dirt may be causing the problem, or the port itself may be damaged. Check your cable and adapter by connecting another device to your charging cable. It is reasonable to assume that the port could be damaged if it works perfectly with other devices. In this case, your G560 needs to be taken to a service facility to get the port repaired.

Fix 8: Recharge Your Logitech G560 

Just like when your charger breaks down, the Logitech battery may be drained completely if your charger malfunctions. Watch for it to come back to life if the battery is completely drained, and charge it longer than usual or overnight if necessary.

Fix 9: Test Logitech G560 With Another Device

No luck yet? There’s nothing to worry about! You must check if your Logitech G560 is compatible with any other device, such as an older mobile device running on Android 5. By doing this, you will be able to determine if you have any problems with your monitor. 


Fix 10: Contact the Support Team

Try contacting the Logitech support team and ask them to help you resolve the issue if you still have problems turning the Logitech speakers on and off, even after trying the above methods. However, if they offer some suggestions, it will depend on the situation. 

Fix 11: Replace the Circuit Board

When you overheat your computer and use it excessively, you’re likely to cause hardware damage. Logitech G560 circuit boards have sometimes been damaged when using the device. In the case of a damaged circuit board, the Logitech G560 cannot be turned on. If you experience this hardware issue, you should go to your local service center to have the circuit board replaced totally.

Fix 12: Replace the motherboard:

We should consider the problem with the circuit board and the motherboard issue. After years of use, some G560 devices have been reported to have defective motherboards. If this occurs, you will need to get the part replaced entirely at your nearest service.

So, that’s how to fix Logitech G560 not turning on issue. We hope that this guide has helped you. Furthermore, if you have any doubts or queries, comment below and let us know.