Those waiting in line for new iPhones are one of Apple’s most visible forms of free marketing – so it’s perhaps not surprising that competitors sometimes try to hijack the event. Samsung picked a particularly dumb way to do it back in 2015, but Huawei has been a little smarter …

Rather than try to sell phones to dedicated Apple fans, CNET reports that Huawei instead handed out free power banks. Ok, the packaging of course took a dig at Apple, suggesting that the battery life wasn’t up to scratch.

The company handed out some 200 of the 10,000mAh power banks to customers waiting in line at the Singapore Apple Store.

The stunt was to draw attention to the battery life of the company’s P20 smartphone. Our sister site, 9to5Google, did cite that as a key feature when reviewing the phone.

Sure, it’s a bit of a cheap dig, but if you’re queuing up overnight for a phone, some extra juice for your existing one is going to be pretty welcome, so as marketing stunts go, it’s not a bad one.