Square Enix has released a new batch of screenshots of the FF7 Remake and it was revealed that the game will use a weapon upgrade system that is similar to the one used in Final Fantasy IX. The characters in the original version of Final Fantasy VII gained most of their special abilities from equipable items known as materia, which could be switched between members outside of battle.

The materia system in Final Fantasy VII allowed for a lot of customization and made it easier for players to take their favorite characters into battle without having to worry about them being underpowered, but it also meant that characters were less distinct, especially in comparison to the cast of Final Fantasy VI and their unique abilities. The materia system has now been totally overhauled and many of the old mechanics have been changed, such as the summon monsters in FF7 Remake using a meter, instead of being used as individual spells.

The official PlayStation.Blog has uploaded new screenshots of the FF7 Remake and a new weapon upgrade system has been revealed. The playable characters can now use materia to upgrade their weapons in order to gain new buffs and powers. All of the weapons have their own unique abilities and if the character uses them for long enough, then they will gain permanent access to that ability, even when using other weapons. It had previously been revealed that materia has been changed in FF7 Remake and it seems that it will now be used as an upgrade material, instead of giving access to individual powers.

FF7 Remake has an entirely new battle system, so it’s not surprising that the game would change the functionality of the weapons. The most striking aspect of this new weapon system is how similar it is to Final Fantasy IX. In Final Fantasy IX, equipping a weapon or piece of armor gave a party member access to a new ability that they could use for as long as the item was equipped. The characters would earn Ability Points in battle and these allowed them to master their equipment and gain permanent access to their abilities, even when another item was equipped. The weapons in FF7 Remake seem to be a little more in-depth, as the screenshots mention skill points that can be spent on individual upgrades, but both systems are essentially the same.

FF7 Remake will be a multi-part release, which means that the new weapon system will have to be spread across multiple games. The first entry in the FF7 Remake series only reaches Midgar, which means that the party won’t have access to too many weapons before the end of the game, assuming that it’s similar to Final Fantasy VII. It makes sense to give the player the ability to enhance weapons like the Buster Sword, especially if they’re going to be using them throughout most of the game.

Next: Square Enix Has No Plans to Release Final Fantasy VII Remake on Other Platforms

Final Fantasy VII Remake is due to be released for PlayStation 4 on March 3, 2020.

Source: PlayStation.Blog