I’m a big fan of Apple Store workshops. A couple of Final Cut Pro X workshops were really helpful, one of them so much so I did it twice.

But reserving a space on one isn’t always easy …

There’s a Catch-22 with video editing. There’s a huge amount to learn when you’re new to it, meaning that everything takes an age. The solution is to practice: the more videos you edit, the faster you become. But finding time to create videos is challenging when you’re really slow.

For example, one four-minute video I created back in February took me about as many hours. That’s probably par for the course for a professional doing something sophisticated, but mine was relatively basic.

Apple workshops can speed up the learning process significantly, both from the material covered by the syllabus, but also the chance to ask questions. I’m particularly fortunate in London as I have two flagship Apple Stores within half an hour’s cycling distance, and two smaller stores a little further out.

One thing I know nothing about as yet is color correction and grading. Apple has recently added a specific workshop for this that looks perfect. The problem is that I can’t make any of the ones scheduled so far, and the schedule doesn’t go very far ahead.

What I’d really like is an alert system. Register my interest in a particular workshop, and have it alert me each time a new one is scheduled. Either send me an email with a Book Place link I can click to immediately reserve a spot for any date I can make, or do the same thing through the Apple Store app.

Ideally, I should also be able to also specify a particular app – like Final Cut Pro X – or a particular area of interest, like Video, and have it alert me to any new workshops that match those fields.

Is this something you’d find helpful? Please take our poll, and share your thoughts and workshop experiences in the comments.