The eighth installment in the massively successful Fast and the Furious franchise, The Fate of the Furious, opens in theaters this weekend, and it’s projected to become another huge hit. The film is estimated to make $400 million on its opening weekend worldwide, and $110 million domestic, and may well surpass those figures. These projections are despite some mixed early reviews, although even earlier reactions from CinemaCon were very positive.

As with any other hugely hyped blockbuster, The Fate of the Furious will be dominating theater screens over the coming weeks, and taking advantage of the large range of options now available to moviegoers. Fans are used to seeing films in 2D, 3D, AVX, and IMAX formats as a standard these days, as cinemas seek to give audiences the best possible viewing experience (and charge as much money per ticket as they can). Now, however, 4DX is the latest way to watch a movie – and The Fate of the Furious is going to take full advantage of that option.

According to a report from The Wrap, The Fate of the Furious will be screening at every single 4DX theater in the US, allowing fans to experience the film with “moving seats and environmental effects such as wind, rain, lightning, snow and a handful of scents”. There are nine 4DX theaters currently open, in Seattle (Regal Meridian 16), LA (AEG Regal Cinemas L.A. LIVE Stadium 14), two more locations in the suburbs of LA (Cinepolis Pico Rivera and CGV Cinemas Buena Park), San Diego (Cinepolis Vista), Orlando (Regal Pointe Orlando Stadium 20 & IMAX), Chicago (Marcus Gurnee Mills Cinema) and New York (Regal Cinemas, E-Walk Stadium and Regal Union Square Stadium 14).

Fans who choose to see the film in 4DX format will be able to enjoy an even more immersive experience, especially during car chase and action scenes, when the tilting and rotating movement of the seats will mirror some of the cars’ movements on screen. There are no details at the moment of what other kinds of effects will be used for this film, although it’s likely that as well as seat movement and vibrations, fans can expect wind effects, and possibly other weather effects or the use of scents.

For some fans, this is the ultimate viewing experience, allowing for viewers to really get into the film and feel what the characters are feeling. Action movies such as The Fate of the Furious are perfectly poised to take advantage of this format, as well, with the kind of POV movement that these films love to feature. For others, however, 4DX is less comfortable than a regular 3D or even 2D movie, with the movement being almost nauseating. Some effects, like scents, could even be borderline unpleasant – hopefully this film won’t come with the actual scent of gasoline or burning rubber.

Next: Where is Paul Walker’s Brian O’Conner in Fate of the Furious?

Source: The Wrap

  • Fast and Furious 8 Release Date: 2017-04-14