The women of the Marvel Cinematic Universe get the spotlight in a new fan-made video in honor of International Women’s Day. Although the MCU has been criticized in the past for its lack of diverse leads, Marvel Studios is looking to change that moving forward. Last year’s Black Panther was their first film to feature a person of color in the lead role, and now that Captain Marvel is out in theaters, they’ve finally put a woman at the forefront of a solo movie.

Brie Larson’s Carol Danvers gets the title as the first female hero to get a standalone movie, and the reaction so far shows just how much interest there was in seeing a new type of lead character in these films. It worked tremendously for Warner Bros. and DC in 2017 with Wonder Woman shattering expectations, and now Captain Marvel is on track to to perform very well at the box office. The theatrical launch may have been later than when the film was initially announced in 2014, but it made it so Captain Marvel is now debuting on International Women’s Day.

Carol may be the first woman to get a solo MCU film, but she’s one of many standout female characters to exist in the universe. So, in order to celebrate International Women’s Day, YouTuber piratesandsuperheroes edited together a tribute to the marvelous ladies of the MCU.

The edit compiles moments from the past 11 years of MCU films, and nearly runs the gamut on the most prominent female characters the universe has to offer.  Altogether, the edit includes footage of Gamora, Shuri, Ancient One, Black Widow, Hela, Wasp, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, Nebula, Valkyrie, Jane Foster, Michelle, Maria Hill, Pepper Potts, Okoye, Lady Sif, Frigga, Mantis, Ghost, Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter, and Nakia. Some of the more notable absentees include recent additions like Janet van Dyne, Maria Rambeau, and Minn-Erva, but there’s others that didn’t make the cut either.

As great as all of these characters are already, many of them will get the opportunity to have their stories explored more in the future. Black Widow is getting a solo film in the not too distant future, while Scarlet Witch will star in a mini-series for Disney+ - and there’s even been talk of Lady Sif getting one too. It is expected that Shuri, Okoye, and Nakia will return for Black Panther 2, and there’s no telling how many of these characters will pop up again in Avengers: Endgame. No matter how most of them return, fans have not seen the last of many of these characters, giving the MCU plenty of female power for the future - and that doesn’t even include all the new ones they’ll introduce in Phase 4.

MORE: Every MCU Movie Coming After Captain Marvel

Source: piratesandsuperheroes

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