
TechUnwrapped is reporting that famous jailbreaker George Hotz, known as Geohot, is now working at Facebook. You may know Geohot for getting in a lawsuit by Sony for his Playstation hack and his jailbreaking tools like purplera1n, blackra1n, and limera1n. In recent months Geohot has been off the map after the Sony ordeal, but it appears now he is back (unfortunately not as a rapper).

Techmeme’s Gabe Rivera did some digging on Geohot’s Facebook to confirm TechUnwrapped’s story. It appears Geohot joined Facebook as a Software engineer in May, but he announced the news June 17th. June 22nd he said, “is Facebook is really an amazing place to work…first hackathon over.” What do you think he is doing as a Software Engineer? Perhaps he’s working on the secret Project Trojan…er Spartan.