Good news out there for all virtual gunrunners and bootleggers; the latest content addition to Fallout 76 will give players the ability to distill their own alcoholic beverages, and to harness the power of being drunk for greater destructive capabilities. Those who’ve been waiting for Fallout 76 to kick off its content expansion plans for 2019 will be pleased to know that this first in a long line of updates for the title will arrive this month.

This Fallout 76 whiskey update is expected to drop on March 12, and there have been ample updates from the studio about how to make the most of this new mechanic. It will be part of the Wild Appalachia expansion, where Bethesda will be adding a new game mode and new story quests in what it hopes to be penitence for the numerous missteps that occurred in the wake of the game’s launch.

The latest Inside the Vault entry from Bethesda gives fans a crash course in what they need to know in order to get their own Nukashine operation up and running. Players will need to make the Trek over to Vault-Tec University in fulfillment of a quest called Wasted on Nukashine, which should then grant them entry to a specific speakeasy with an unreasonably intoxicated robot. This particular hunk of metal, Biv, will then provide players with repeatable quests to acquire recipes for post-apocalyptic tipples that will both help and hinder when exploring the open world.

Previously unhappy players may be intrigued by this new side to Bethesda’s online RPG experience. They’ll also be pleased to note that cobbling together their own radioactive alcohol won’t take too much at all. The dev team has already detailed in their latest update that all one has to do is acquire what’s called the Brewing Station in order to enjoy the aptly named, soon-to-be implemented Brewing and Distilling crafting system.

Like any good night out, consumption of these homebrewed liquors will have advantages and disadvantages. One such example is the Firecracker Whiskey that makes melee attacks set both players and their opponents on fire. However, just like a fine wine, aging these spirits will get rid of some of the potentially lethal side effects, including self-immolation.

Players will be able to craft wines, whiskey, beers, and even cocktails to field test. With possible effects ranging from being plagued by a disease to doing increased damage against wildlife being the tip of the iceberg, the Brewing and Distilling crafting system looks like it’s going to add an entertaining layer to the Fallout 76 ecosystem when it arrives. While the title made a decent enough impression last year, it’s still in need of a lot more content to truly flesh out the experience and to bring its player base back.

More: Fallout 76 Guide: Where To Find The BEST Weapons

Source: Bethesda