Fallout 76 hasn’t received the best reception from the community when it comes to the Fallout franchise. However, Bethesda has been pretty active in bringing updates to the game and making sure the player base remains intact. Recently, the game got the Wastelanders update, and that has turned things around the game. The update brought a number of features in the game which fans had been asking for. People even started calling it “Fallout 4.5”, and considering the fact that Fallout 4  was critically acclaimed, that’s a good remark.

The Wastelanders Update brought NPCs in the game, which was something that the game needed badly. The introduction of that made the game feel lively again, and players have been returning back to the game. One of the most important elements of Fallout 76 is building camps. There is a lot to keep in mind when you are building your Camp. If you are looking for a complete guide on camps in Fallout 76, read on to find more about it.

Fallout 76: How to Build Camp, Locations, and Defend it?

Camps in Fallout 76 are a bit tricky. Not only do you have to choose a proper location, but building it is also a lot of work. Once you are done with that, you have to ensure you have the proper means in place to defend your Camp. The thing to make you worry is that there are not only animals against whom you need to defend it, but there are also other real human players as well who can destroy your base.

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Where to Build Camps?

Before we get into how you can build camps, let us talk about where to place them. Placing your Camp strategically at proper locations is a key that can turn around things for you. Keep in mind that you can place your Camp practically anywhere on the map except on places where a camp already exists. Nonetheless, moving forward to the locations, there are a number of things you need to keep in mind. Ideally, you should choose a location with the following characteristics:-

  • Near Rivers and lakes
  • Near small towns for beginners and away from them for experts
  • Near small wildlife
  • Near Power Boxes
  • In the hills
  • Near Stations and Workbenches
  • Near Civilization for beginners, away from it for experts.
  • Near Primary/Secondary Locations
  • Near a Vendor
  • Away from Enemies if you are a beginner and close to them if you are an expert.
  • Near Valuable Resources for beginners and away from them for experts.
  • Dear Friends, if you are a beginner and away from them if you are looking for some challenge
  • Near Workshop
  • Near Quest Location
  • On a Flat Ground for beginners, on the steep ground for experts

These are the thumb rules for choosing a camp location. But if you are looking for a specific location where you can place the Camp, don’t worry we have got that covered as well. Here are some of the best locations in the game to build your camps.

  • The Monorail Pylon
  • Gilman Lumber Mill
  • The Cultists Shrine
  • Whitespring Golf Course
  • The Seneca Rock Bridge
  • Site Alpha
  • The Lakeside Grill
  • Morgantown Station
  • The Raider Shack
  • Tyler County Dirt Track
  • Toxic Valley Cliffs
  • North of Sunnyside Station
  • The Noose Tree
  • Outside Watoga
  • Lake on the Mountain
  • Fort Defiance Backend
  • The Northern Cave

All of these locations provide a really good place for placing your Camp. Once you have chosen the location, it’s time to build your Camp.

How to Build Camps?

To build your first Camp, you need to take out your good ol’ Pip-Boy and select the Camp option. The camp option becomes available when you leave Vault 76 so don’t worry about not getting the option as such. Once you click on the Camp button, it will take a few minutes before the kit turns green and you will be able to spawn it on the map. You can proceed with building the Camp from scratch, or use a blueprint, more on that in a while.  One of the most important things to note is that you need to ensure you are building the camps in a safe location. The reason for that is when you are building camps, you are completely unarmed. Even your weapons are disabled. That makes you completely vulnerable to attacks. So make sure you are all clear before starting work on your Camp.

Coming to the requirements of building a camp, you need, Wood, concrete, and steel to build one. The Junk section of your inventory gives you a brief overview of the amount of these stuff you have in store. When you are building the Camp, there should be ample focus on the foundation since it is one of the most important aspects of your Camp. Using multiple blocks of foundations always makes a sturdier camp. Always make sure you have a  foundation large enough to how at least two to three floors, we will tell the reason for that in a while. Apart from that, ensure that you have a  proper roof to make sure that you are safe from projectile attacks from the enemy. Also, ensure that you have balconies on the higher floors. Here are the other required stuff in a camp:-

  • Turrets
  • Cooking station
  • Crafting stations
  • A bed

How to Move Camps? – Blueprints

Suppose you found a better location for your Camp as compared to your existing location. Do you have to move the entire Camp to a new location? The good news is, no, you don’t have to. Like we mentioned earlier, you can build a camp directly from a blueprint you have stored. So how do you store a blueprint? When you are building a camp, go to the edit mode. You will see a key prompt at the bottom of the screen. Press the button and you will have to select the structure you want to save and you can blueprint it. Once you have saved it, you can name it as well. Once you have the blueprint, you can use it whenever you want.

Defending Camps

Finally, coming to the most important aspect, the defense. Defending your Camp is vital because it will be frequently attacked, and your only defense when you are not there are turrets. So it is very important to strategically place the turrets. Here are a couple of hints. Never ever place turrets in the open. Ghouls can easily destroy them in the open. To make sure your turrets are actually useful, you need to place them in the balconies of your Camp. This is why we mentioned you should have a two or three-storeyed building with balconies and you should place them there. You must also build partitions for your turret to make it stronger.

That’s all you need to know about building your camps, locations, and defending it. If you need any help regarding Fallout 76 or any other game out there do let us know in the comments section below and we will be happy to help you out. Make sure to check our iPhone Tips and Tricks, Games Guide, PC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Tricks.