Here’s where to find Dogmeat in Fallout 3. The original Fallout game arrived in 1997 and found players being cast from the safety of an underground vault to explore a vast, post-apocalyptic wasteland to battle various human and mutant enemies. This has been the basic set up of pretty much every title in the series, but the scope has certainly increased over time. Bethesda Softworks (Skyrim) took over the series in 2008 with Fallout 3, which helped make the series a more mainstream hit.

Fallout 3 took place from a first-person view, though it held true to the core gameplay of the franchise. That said, some fans of the original games were unhappy with the many changes it brought, and the experience could be spoiled by various glitches and technical issues. Fallout 4 arrived in 2015, which provided a more polished experience than its predecessor, though 2018’s multiplayer title Fallout 76 proven extremely divisive upon, and suffered lukewarm reviews.

While it may be rough around the edges in certain areas, Fallout 3 is still a very well-regarded entry and let fans lose themselves in an immersive wasteland. Of course, trudging through the bleak landscape is way more fun with a pal, and Fallout 3’s main protagonist the Lone Wanderer can encounter various companions, including super mutant Fawkes or ghoul Charon. A real fan favorite is Dogmeat, however, and to find him players must travel to the Captial Wasteland’s scrapyard. Dogmeat can be found inside attacking raiders, who recently killed his first owner.

Go up to Dogmeat after they’re dispatched, comfort him on the loss of his master and then invite him to join you. Fallout 3’s Dogmeat bears a passing resemblance to the dog owned by the title character in Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior and given the inspiration that series has had on the Fallout games, this isn’t a big surprise. Not only does Dogmeat provide good company along the way, but he also comes in useful during combat and can scavenge for supplies.

Fallout 3’s Dogmeat is based on another dog of the same name who appeared in the original game, and various incarnations of Dogmeat reappeared in later entries, including Fallout 4. Survivors of a post-apocalyptic event in movies, games and novels often pal around with canine companions, including Will Smith’s character in I Am Legend and - naturally - the 2015 Mad Max video game. Dogmeat remains the biggest star in that particular field, with Fallout 3’s version being one of the most popular.

Next: Ranking The Fallout Games, From Worst To Best