The Falcon and Winter Soldier TV series is creeping closer and closer, with fans thrilled to see two of their favourite heroes back in action. We ourselves are curious to find out what exactly Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes have been up to in the time since Avengers: Endgame, the movie that saw Captain America pass his shield on after many, many years of service.

With Sam now the possessor of that iconic weapon, we’re now going to take a look at his top 10 MCU moments to date. Starting with his very first scene…

On Your Left

We first meet Sam at the beginning of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, when he is doing his best to rival Steve Rogers when it comes to sprinting around the Washington Monument. He obviously can’t keep up with the supersoldier and Cap takes great pleasure in winding him up, saying ‘on your left’ every time he overtakes his future friend.

It’s a great introduction because it shows the duo are already on a similar footing and share a similar interest. The way Sam just accepts it means he’s instantly likable and this scene sets the tone for their friendship going forward.

Sam Is More Than A Soldier

As the storyline progresses in the second Captain America movie, both Steve Rogers and Sam find out that S.H.I.E.L.D has been infiltrated by villainous organization Hydra. They interrogate anyone they can using any means necessary and, at one point, it looks as if Jasper Sitwell has been thrown to his death.

That’s when Sam shows off his Falcon weaponry for the first time, catching Jasper and making Cap’s actions seem far more justifiable as a result. He would later use and upgrade his weapons in his many MCU outings further down the line.

Fighting Brock Rumlow

Brock Rumlow is one of the Hydra figures who are able to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D and, as the good guys battle to stop the villains from obliterating many key personnel across the world, Sam ends up engaging the Hydra agent in direct combat.

They have a terrific, adrenaline-fuelled fight where it often looks as if one, or even both, will meet a grisly end. Sam shows he’s more than worthy to be friends with Captain America, though, by managing to outmaneuver and eventually outpace his enemy. Brock is left in a burning building but somehow manages to survive and, when we next see him, he’s hideously disfigured from their epic battle.

Meeting Ant-Man

Given Paul Rudd is a comedy legend, it was always going to be difficult finding an actor capable of striking up chemistry with him on screen. You can’t really see Ant-Man having epic banter with Steve Rogers or Bucky Barnes, right?

And that’s why Marvel’s decision to give Anthony Mackie a cameo in the first Ant-Man movie worked so well. The duo have a hilarious showdown as Rudd’s character Scott Lang tries to steal from Avengers HQ and Sam, rather than try and kill the intruder, later tracks him down and uses their friendship to his advantage during the events of Civil War.

Interrogating Bucky

While Steve wants to find Bucky following the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, he hasn’t exactly got the clearest schedule, what with being an Avenger and all. So that sees the soldier leave the job to his close friend Sam who, after much searching, eventually manages to track him down during Civil War.

Prior to this Bucky had gone on the run (again) but Sam’s loyalty here shines through. It’s evident that he’s determined to please Cap by helping him get to his friend - even if his friend is the most-wanted man on the planet at this point. Now that, in our view, is true friendship.

Interacting With Bucky In Civil War

Sam and Bucky, the first time they met each other, clashed big time. In fairness, that was because the latter had his brain being controlled by Hydra - who made him the Winter Soldier - but it would be no understatement to say they outright didn’t like each other.

And that means their interactions during Civil War hit the spot, making audiences laugh. They both vie for the affections of Steve Rogers and it’s touching that they both care so much about him (especially as he can look out for himself). The scene where they both nod approvingly as Steve kisses Sharon Carter is one of the funniest moments in a movie that, true to form, has many of them.

Showing Up To Edinburgh

After the manic events of Civil War, Captain America and Sam Wilson both decide to go to ground. We don’t see them again until the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War, when the duo sensationally returns, just in time to save Vision and Scarlet Witch from Thanos’ children Proxima Midnight and Corvus Klave.

Cap’s beard steals the spotlight but it’s worth noting that Sam, as always, is by his side. He more than holds his own against his two enemies and, alongside his friend, they’re successful in saving the lives of Vision and Scarlet Witch. Teamwork makes the dreamwork….

Working Alongside Rhodes

As the Avengers desperately battle to try and stop Thanos from rendering half of the universe to dust, the fight ends up being located to Wakanda. Despite initially putting the shield up to protect the royal quarters, Black Panther then decides to open it because he realizes that, only by creating a very small opening, do they have a chance of keeping Vision safe.

In order to avoid as many casualties as possible, Sam works alongside James Rhodes. Together, Falcon and War Machine take to the skies and reign missiles down on the enemy forces down below, surely killing hundreds - if not thousands in the process. Falcon would later go on to try and take Thanos himself, only to be easily swatted aside like the rest of the team.

Answering The Call In Endgame

It looks as if Thanos is about to win a second battle during Avengers: Endgame. With Thor and Iron Man already defeated, Captain America makes one last defiant stand, staring down the Mad Titan and his entire army. While his gesture is commendable, however, it’s patently clear that he’s outnumbered.

And that’s when Sam comes in. In a truly heroic moment, he says ‘on your left’ to his old friend, showing that Steve isn’t alone. Every single victim of Thanos returns in this moment, walking through portals created by Doctor Strange and turning the tables in the process. They’d also go on to defeat Josh Brolin’s character, seemingly once and for all.

Getting The Shield

When Captain America returns from putting the Infinity Stones back in their proper places in time, he’s aged considerably. He’s an old man now and it’s clear that he won’t be fighting any more battles going forward.

So then it’s a question of who he gives his shield to. Most people expected it to be Bucky, particularly as it would give him great motivation to do good having done so much bad as the Winter Soldier many years ago. But Sam gets given the iconic object instead - and we can’t wait to see him using it.