Facebook has denied a New York Times report alleging – among many bigger issues – that CEO Mark Zuckerberg ordered company execs to use only Android phones …

The piece suggests that this was in part due to a feud between Zuckerberg and Apple CEO Tim Cook. When Cook was asked what he would do were he in Zuckerberg’s shoes during the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Cook said he ‘wouldn’t be in this situation’ as Apple had a very different approach to privacy.

Zuckerberg hit back at that remark, suggesting in turn that Apple was profiteering from its customers.

But in a new statement today, Facebook denies many of the claims in the NYT story – including the idea that it ‘ordered’ any of its staff to stop using iPhones. The company says that it merely ‘encourages’ the use of Android, and that this is not a new policy.

One of the bigger claims in the piece was that Facebook was slow to respond to spot Russian abuse of the platform to interfere in the US presidential election. The company says there is no truth in this.

The social network yesterday rolled out an ‘unsend’ feature for Facebook Messenger.

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