Facebook recently went public with an awesome new feature called Timelime, a brand-new interface for profiles. That feature launched for the mobile web view of Facebook for iPhone but until today has not been available in Facebook’s native application on the App Store.

Today’s Facebook app update for Mobile Timeline is iPhone and iPod touch exclusive, but Facebook is promising Timeline support on the iPad “soon.” Some other new features work across the iOS ecosystem, though, including Friends Lists, better photo management, and subscriptions support. All the details after the break:

Friends list: This port from the desktop version of Facebook to the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch version allows you to separate friends in “lists” that are like groups. These Friends Lists allow you to grant certain access of your profile to certain people and and also allow you to simply better manage your cliques or family members.

Better photo management: Facebook also includes quicker access to photos (they load much faster), improved commenting, and photo uploading. In addition – at least for users with Timeline on – your Facebook notifications come down in an iPad-like pop-over menu. It’s a pretty neat time saver since you don’t lose full access to the content you were viewing at that moment.

Subscriptions: Subscriptions allow you to follow more than just friend’s updates on Facebook and follow celebrities, journalists, and others. The subscriptions service also allows you to see only certain types of movement of your friends on Facebook: life events, status updates, photos, games, comments/likes, music/videos, and other activity. The Facebook update now allows you to manage this feature.

On top of the new features, Facebook has improved the speed and performance of the application. Today’s Facebook update basically is taking features from the desktop and bringing them down to mobile, demonstrating how important mobile device usage is for Facebook, and really fleshing out the point of the Post-PC era that Apple is leading.