At this time yesterday, the understanding was that the App had been removed from sale because it included an Easter egg which could enable streaming over 3G. On the withdrawal of the app, Elgato said, “Some test code that enabled live TV streaming over the cellular network was accidentally left in the the EyeTV App,” the company said. “Apple requested that we remove the code since their agreement with AT&T does not allow redirecting TV signals over the cellular network. The code was removed and a 1.0.1 version of the EyeTV app was submitted.  We expect EyeTV to return to the App Store when the 1.0.1 version is approved.” You’d think the version of the App that’s now available on the App Store would be the revised 1.0.1 version, but this does not seem to be the case. The EyeTV application is presently available here on iTunes US – do let us know if it disappears again…