The desire for ever more extreme selfies has so far resulted in 259 deaths, says a new report cited by the US National Library of Medicine …

A global study published in the the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care collated worldwide reports of selfie deaths between 2011 and 2017, reports BBC News.

Most of the fatal extreme selfies occurred on the tops of mountains, tall buildings and in lakes, says the report.

But death by animals, electrocution, fire and firearms also appeared frequently in reports from around the world.

The report’s authors analysed news stories to identify how deaths happened, cross-referencing these to eliminate spurious ones.

The report recommends establishing ‘no selfie zones’ at dangerous locations, but given the diversity of locations and the stupidity of many of the acts, it’s hard to see this as a practical solution. The majority of the transport-related deaths, for example, resulted from attempting to take a selfie while standing on rail tracks in front of an approaching train.

The authors acknowledge that the estimate of 259 deaths from extreme selfies is almost certainly an underestimate.

Perhaps those seeking dramatic selfies should stick to taking them at home …

Photo: Shutterstock